CELPIP Writing Overview

CELPIP Writing Task 1 - Writing an Email

1) About Writing Task 1

* Task Total Time: 27 minutes
  • You will get information about the situation.
  • You will get the writing options and You should insert these option to your contents.
  • You should finish the writing within 27 minutes.

- Writing Task 1 screen.

2) Task 1 Outline


Briefly introduce the purpose of the outline: To provide a clear and structured approach for tackling CELPIP Writing Task 1, specifically focusing on writing an effective email.

Emphasize the importance of understanding the task requirements and employing proper email writing skills to achieve success in the CELPIP exam.

I. Understanding the Prompt

A. Read and Comprehend

Stress the significance of carefully reading and understanding the given prompt.

Highlight the importance of grasping the context, purpose, intended recipient, and specific instructions provided in the prompt.

B. Addressing the Task Requirements

Discuss the need to address all components of the prompt to fulfill the task requirements.

Explain the importance of identifying and addressing the main concerns or issues presented in the prompt.

II. Analyzing the Situation

A. Purpose and Goals

Explain the significance of analyzing the given situation to understand the purpose and goals of the email.

Discuss strategies for identifying the main objectives or desired outcomes.

B. Consider the Recipient

Highlight the importance of considering the recipient's perspective and tailoring the email accordingly.

Discuss the appropriate tone and formality based on the intended recipient, whether it's a colleague, supervisor, or business contact.

III. Planning and Organizing

A. Pre-writing Phase

Explain the value of planning and organizing your thoughts before starting to write the email.

Introduce the concept of creating a structured outline and its benefits in organizing ideas and ensuring a coherent flow.

B. Outline Development

Provide a step-by-step approach to develop a well-organized outline for the email.

Include key points to address and supporting details for each section of the email.

IV. Structuring the Email

A. Formal Email Structure

Discuss the standard structure of a formal email, including the salutation, introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

Emphasize the importance of maintaining a professional tone and adhering to proper email etiquette.

B. Section Breakdown

Provide guidance on organizing information within each section of the email.

Discuss strategies for introducing the main purpose or topic, presenting supporting details, and closing the email effectively.

V. Writing Techniques

A. Language and Vocabulary

Highlight the use of appropriate language, vocabulary, and sentence structures for a formal email.

Provide examples of formal language suitable for the context of the email.

B. Clarity and Conciseness

Discuss the importance of clarity and conciseness in conveying the intended message effectively.

Provide tips for avoiding redundancy, excessive wordiness, or unclear phrasing.

VI. Editing and Proofreading

A. Editing Process

Highlight the significance of editing and proofreading the email before submission.

Discuss the benefits of reviewing for grammar accuracy, spelling errors, and overall clarity.

B. Proofreading Techniques

Share practical techniques for proofreading, such as reading aloud, checking for consistency, and seeking feedback from others.

Highlight common errors to watch out for, including grammar mistakes, punctuation errors, and typos.


Recap the key points covered in the outline for CELPIP Writing Task 1 - Writing an Email.

Encourage students to utilize this structured approach when preparing for the task.

Emphasize the importance of practice and seeking feedback to improve writing skills for the CELPIP exam.

Express confidence in their ability to excel in CELPIP Writing Task 1 with consistent practice and attention to detail.

3) About Writing Task 2

* Task Total Time: 26 minutes
  • You will get information about the situation.
  • You have to choice one of these options.
  • You should finish the writing within 26 minutes.

- Writing Task 2 screen.

4) Taks 2 Outline


Introduce the purpose of the outline: To provide a structured approach for tackling CELPIP Writing Task 2, specifically focusing on responding to survey questions.
Emphasize the importance of understanding the task requirements and effectively addressing the survey questions to succeed in the CELPIP exam.
I. Understanding the Prompt
A. Read and Comprehend

Stress the significance of carefully reading and comprehending the given prompt.
Highlight the importance of understanding the context, purpose, and specific instructions provided in the prompt.
B. Analyzing Survey Questions

Explain the need to analyze and interpret the survey questions accurately.
Discuss strategies for identifying the main topics or themes and understanding the key information being sought.
II. Planning and Organizing
A. Pre-writing Phase

Discuss the value of planning and organizing your thoughts before writing the response.
Introduce the concept of creating a structured outline and its benefits in organizing ideas and ensuring a coherent and well-developed response.
B. Outline Development

Provide a step-by-step approach to develop a comprehensive outline for the response.
Include the key survey questions as subheadings and plan supporting details and examples for each question.
III. Introduction
A. Hook the Reader

Discuss the importance of starting the response with an engaging opening to capture the reader's attention.
Share techniques such as using a thought-provoking question or a relevant statistic.
B. Address the Purpose

Explain the need to clearly state the purpose of the survey and your role as a respondent.
Provide an overview of the main themes or topics that will be addressed in the response.
IV. Body Paragraphs
A. Addressing Each Survey Question

Discuss the importance of dedicating a separate body paragraph to each survey question.
Emphasize the need to fully address the question and provide well-developed responses.
B. Presenting Supporting Details and Examples

Stress the importance of providing relevant and specific supporting details and examples for each survey question.
Encourage the use of personal experiences, observations, or data to strengthen the response.
V. Conclusion
A. Summarize Main Points

Discuss the significance of summarizing the main points addressed in the response.
Emphasize the need to provide a concise recap of the key findings or insights shared.
B. Closing Statement

Provide a concluding statement that reinforces the importance of the survey topic or offers a personal reflection.
Encourage students to consider potential actions or recommendations based on the survey findings, if applicable.
VI. Editing and Proofreading
A. Editing for Coherence and Clarity

Discuss the importance of reviewing the response for coherence, logical flow, and clarity of ideas.
Encourage students to revise sentence structures, transition words, and paragraph organization for improved readability.
B. Proofreading Techniques

Share practical techniques for proofreading, such as reading aloud, checking for grammar and spelling errors, and seeking feedback from others.
Highlight common errors to watch out for, including grammar mistakes, punctuation errors, and word choice.


Recap the key points covered in the outline for CELPIP Writing Task 2 - Responding to Survey Questions.
Encourage students to utilize this structured approach when preparing for the task.
Emphasize the importance of practice and seeking feedback to enhance writing skills for the CELPIP exam.
Express confidence in their ability to excel in CELPIP Writing Task 2 with consistent practice and attention to detail.

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