CELPIP Listening Part 2 - Listening a Daily Life Conversation Practice


(1) Explain

 - You will hear a conversation followed by 5 questions.

 - You will hear the question and conversation only once

(2) Instruction

You will hear a conversation. The conversation is between a man and a girl about environmental issues

(3) Listening

Q1.What is the main focus of the city's environmental campaign?

1. Reducing energy consumption

2. Promoting public transportation

3. Encouraging composting

4. Reducing plastic waste

Q2. What are some practical steps people can take to reduce their plastic waste?

1. Taking shorter showers

2. Using energy-efficient appliances

3. Using reusable bags when shopping

4. Planting trees in their backyards

Q3. How can individuals contribute to energy conservation?

1. Keeping lights on when leaving a room

2. Using disposable water bottles

3. Turning off lights when not in use

4. Ignoring water leaks

Q4.  What is one environmental benefit of tree planting?

1. Increasing carbon dioxide emissions

2. Creating healthier environments

3. Contributing to plastic waste

4. Promoting water leaks

Q5. What additional measure is the city taking to raise awareness about environmental issues?

1. Launching educational programs

2. Encouraging single-use plastic consumption

3. Increasing energy consumption

4. Ignoring tree planting initiatives

(4) Answer

Q1. Reducing plastic waste

Q2. Using reusable bags when shopping

Q3. Turning off lights when not in use

Q4. Creating healthier environments

Q5. Launching educational programs

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