CELPIP Listening Part 5 - Listening to a Discussion Overview & Outline


CELPIP Listening Part 5 - Listening to a Discussion Overview & Outline

1) About Listening Part 5

* Task Total Time: Around 2 minutes

* Number of questions: 8

(1) Instruction Task screen.

(2) Explain Situation screen.

(3) Listening screen.

(4) Solve question screen.

2) Listening Task 5 Outline

 In CELPIP Listening Part 5, you will listen to a recorded discussion that simulates a conversation between individuals in a formal or semi-formal setting. You will listen to a recorded discussion between two or more speakers on a specific topic. Your task is to understand the main ideas, opinions, and arguments presented in the discussion and answer questions based on the information provided. The discussion may revolve around a variety of topics such as social issues, academic subjects, current events, or any other subject commonly debated or discussed.

Here's an example to help you understand:


* Audio: You will listen to a discussion between two students discussing the pros and cons of studying abroad.

* Discussion Topic: The discussion may involve aspects such as the benefits of studying abroad, challenges faced by international students, cultural exchange, academic opportunities, or any other relevant aspects related to studying abroad.

* Questions: Based on the discussion, you will be asked to answer questions that require you to understand and analyze the information presented. The questions may focus on identifying viewpoints, supporting arguments, drawing conclusions, or understanding the implications of the discussion.

For example:

1. What are the main advantages mentioned for studying abroad?

2. What challenges do international students commonly face?

3. Which speaker expresses a preference for studying locally? Why?

4. What is one piece of advice given for international students?

5. What are the potential benefits of cultural exchange mentioned in the discussion?


 You will listen to the audio once and have time to answer the questions. The questions may be multiple-choice.

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