CELPIP Reading Part 4 - Reading for Viewpoints Practice


1) About Reading Task 4

* Task Total Time: 13 minutes
* Number of questions: 10

- Reading Task 4 screen.

(2) Reading Part 4 Practice

* Read the following message.

Stress is a multifaceted experience, and its impact on studying is a subject of debate among experts. While some argue that stress can be beneficial for academic performance, others hold contrasting viewpoints.

One opinion in favor of stress as a helpful factor in studying comes from Dr. Jane Thompson, a renowned psychologist. She asserts, 'Moderate levels of stress can activate the brain's alertness and focus, leading to enhanced learning outcomes. It acts as a motivational force that pushes students to excel and adapt to challenging situations.'

However, Professor David Richards, a leading researcher in education, holds a different perspective. He claims, 'Excessive stress can have detrimental effects on students' mental well-being, leading to anxiety and burnout. It impairs cognitive functioning, hindering their ability to concentrate and retain information effectively.'

On the other hand, Dr. Emily Collins, a cognitive scientist, provides a balanced view. She suggests, 'Not all stress is created equal. Eustress, which is a positive form of stress, can indeed be beneficial for studying. It can help students remain engaged, maintain a sense of urgency, and heighten memory consolidation. However, distress, which is overwhelming and chronic stress, should be avoided as it can have negative consequences.'

Dr. Thompson further acknowledges the need for a balanced approach. She advises, 'Finding a balance is crucial. Students should aim to harness the potential benefits of stress while practicing self-care and adopting healthy coping mechanisms to prevent its negative effects.'

These varying perspectives highlight the complexity of the relationship between stress and studying. While moderate levels of stress may offer some advantages, it is essential for individuals to assess their own tolerance levels and adopt strategies that promote overall well-being.

* Choose the best option according to the information given in the message.

Q1. According to Dr. Jane Thompson, what is the potential benefit of moderate levels of stress in studying?

A. Impaired cognitive functioning

B. Enhanced learning outcomes

C. Increased anxiety and burnout

D. Reduced sense of urgency

Q2. What is Professor David Richards' viewpoint on the relationship between stress and studying?

A. Excessive stress can lead to cognitive enhancement.

B. Stress has no impact on students' mental well-being.

C. Chronic stress improves cognitive functioning.

D. Excessive stress can impair cognitive functioning.

Q3. According to Dr. Emily Collins, what distinguishes eustress from distress?

A. Eustress leads to anxiety and burnout.

B. Distress helps students remain engaged.

C. Eustress is a positive form of stress.

D. Distress enhances memory consolidation.

Q4. What does Dr. Thompson recommend to students regarding stress and studying?

A. Avoid all forms of stress for better academic performance.

B. Find a balance and adopt healthy coping mechanisms.

C. Embrace distress to enhance cognitive functioning.

D. Prioritize self-care and disregard stress levels.

Q5. What do the varying perspectives in the passage highlight about stress and studying?

A. Stress has a universally positive impact on academic performance.

B. Moderate stress is ineffective for memory consolidation.

C. The relationship between stress and studying is complex.

D. Distress is always beneficial for cognitive functioning.

* Here is a response to the message. Complete the response by filling in the blanks.

 The debate surrounding stress in studying has brought forth diverse (6). While some argue that stress can enhance learning outcomes, others believe it can have detrimental effects on students' well-being. Dr. Jane Thompson suggests that moderate levels of stress can (7) and focus, leading to improved academic performance. On the other hand, Professor David Richards warns against excessive stress, which may impair (8) functioning and hinder concentration. Dr. Emily Collins offers a more balanced perspective, highlighting the distinction between eustress and distress. She explains that while (9), distress should be avoided due to its potential negative consequences. In conclusion, finding a (10) and adopting healthy coping mechanisms is essential to harness the potential benefits of stress while safeguarding overall well-being.


A. perspectives and opinions

B. experiments

C. studies

D. strategies


A. hinder performance

B. improve alertness

C. decrease healthy

D. maintain thinking


A. cognitive

B. physical

C. emotional

D. social


A. enjoying the stress

B. eustress is harmful

C. distress is beneficial

D. eustress can be beneficial


A. balance and relaxation

B. balance and success

C. balance and well-being

D. balance and pressure

(3) Practice Answers

Q1. Enhanced learning outcomes

Q2. Excessive stress can impair cognitive functioning.

Q3. Eustress is a positive form of stress.

Q4. Find a balance and adopt healthy coping mechanisms.

Q5. The relationship between stress and studying is complex.

Q6. perspectives and opinions

Q7. improve alertness

Q8. cognitive

Q9. eustress can be beneficial

Q10. balance and well-being

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